Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Beer Promotion Women

Beer girls Rebranded by Bored Bints

Okay, okay. I tried to ignore it. I tried to say nothing and not get up on my soapbox and rant. But I failed, but hey, I managed to do that for a whole 2 days now, which is a record for me.

Wednesday, the US Based NGO Care International went public and started bleating on about beer girls, or to give them their freshly laundered politically correct name, ‘beer promotion women’ like a change in name is all that is needed to change peoples thoughts. They feel that the issue of indirect sex workers is ‘about sensitising the stakeholders’ which roughly translated from the NGO-masturbation-ese means that they blame the companies that make the beer - remember folks, business is bad, profit is evil, it is always the fault of the company, never the individual employee.

For the time being we will leave aside their own argument that all women are indirect sex workers, the only difference is the type of currency being used; dinner, flowers, chocolates and champagne …

But you may all rest easy in your beds at night knowing that Care Int. is on the case, they are going to … wait for it … wait for it … they are going to redesign the dresses that they wear!

Yes, with longer skirts and higher necklines, drunken Khmer men will suddenly stop thinking about having sex with attractive women, especially when we stop calling them ‘beer girls’ and start calling them ‘empowered, non-gender specific, sales representatives entitled to wear long and high clothing only’ well, actually, that phrase alone is enough to cool my ardour.

So as my ardour is cooled what do I do?

What I do, in true free market fashion, is take my arse down to another beer garden, which has not been emancipated by this nonsense.

Their aim is a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on girls being harassed. But what is harassment? Is it just flirting and attention from somebody whom you do not find attractive ?

Okay, forget Cambodia for a moment, I have worked in London, New York, Paris, Milan and many other cities around the world, I have holidayed in even more. A common underlying thread to all of these is that every so often I will go to a bar, I will drink beer and if I am given half a chance, I will flirt and laugh with a pretty waitress or two. Quick, you had better throw me in jail, I feel a bout of this coming upon me for this weekend...

The trouble with this blanket of nonsense is that it draws attention away from honest to goodness cases of assault, which by the way, there are already laws in place against, it defocuses the general public from real problems and issues. It also serves to reinforce the concept that NGO’s are useless and self-serving.

What is that noise in the background? Is it a gecko laughing ??

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