Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Super Job Titles

Cambodia has one of the largest per capita governments of any country in the world, which is no small feat for a nation of such limited financial resources. I have come to realise that Cambodia also has the distinction of bestowing some of the world's most impressive job titles on its public servants.

As I was reading an article in The Cambodia Daily regarding the relatively poor attendance at last year's Water Festival in Phnom Penh, I came across this quote:

"Chea Sokhom, deputy secretary-general of the Secretariat General for the Permanent Organizing Commission for National and International Ceremonies, blamed the lower-than-anticipated turnout on initial warnings that Typhoon Mufia could bring heavy rains and winds to the capital."

Now, if Chea Sokhom has a salary anywhere near as impressive as his job title, the man is set for life. By the way, the typhoon pretty much skipped over Cambodia, but we did get just enough fringe precipitation to generously soak the opening day's crowd and swamp about thirty of the racing boats. Frankly, we needed the rain much more than the boat races.


Anonymous said...

and what big boy was your job title?

Unknown said...

We but do find your day-to-day commentary interesting and are sorry to hear the rain passed by again without offering much relief.

We have been following the weather with interest over at our blog