Saturday, December 25, 2004

That damned ‘C’ word …

That damned ‘C’ word …

Bah Humbug.

Well, here we are.

My Khmer colleagues kept asking me if I am going home to England for it.

Barang friends keep asking what my plans are. When I tell them I have none they try and impose theirs upon me. If I say I have not decided yet, they talk at length about what they are planning. Newbie’s keep asking me where they can buy a Turkey, usually followed by them asking me what the Khmer is for turkey.

So once and for all let me get this off my chest… … I DO NOT CARE !!!

Back home in God’s Own Country [England] I usually have a quiet day of it, me sat by a roaring fire, sipping some Crystal – the 1982 is drinking well at the moment.

Prior to that I will have had the traditional Leicestershire breakfast for that particular day which consists of:
- Melton Mowbray Porkpie
- Hayward’s extra strong pickled onions
- Red Leicester Cheese
- Bread and butter

I kid you not, you could not make that up…

A late luncheon, usually consisting of some sort of pizza.

Afternoon in front of the television with some DVD’s specifically purchased for the day and guaranteed not to contain; snow, angels, fatmen in red suits, men with beards, talking snowmen, reindeer with discoloured appendages, et bloody cetera.

This is the point at which I am usually disturbed by ‘well meaning’ friends and family members phoning up or popping round to wish me jolly and festive things.

As night draws on, I manage to finally to return to the peace and solace.

More movies and a drawn out meal consisting of;
a selection of fine cheese’s and cold meats from around the world,
fresh breads,
Greek salad,
satay chicken,
olives, stuffed jalapeño’s
more porkpie and pickled onions…

A veritable carpet picnic by the fire, nibbling at will over several hours.
Aided with a selection of fine wines drawn from around the world.

Rounding off the feast with cheesecake

Peace and tranquillity.

Is that too much to ask for one day a year ?

Bah Humbug

Ebenezer Conquest

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