Saturday, August 21, 2004

SPARK - Nightclubbing in PP the Khmer way

Couple of weeks ago I was dragged to Spark [again] by my dear dear Khmer colleagues, they always go through a similar routine when they take me out -

Park the ministry car right outside the front door, walking up to the doorman say ‘’we have a member of the British government with us, out of the way peasant scum’’ - or something like that in a K’mai equivalent.

After which we were shown to one of those booth-like private tables near the stage, with the requisite 10 members of staff kissing our arses along the way…

When the manager comes over to take our order, there is some debate among my colleagues about Tiger Vs. ABC.

It was at that point I was getting rather bored, so I said, ‘I will have a Johnny Walker, Black label, single piece of ice.’

More debate in K’mai, the manager scurries off, and a few minutes later a waitress arrives with a BOTTLE of JW, an ice bucket and 4 glasses.

So they thought that they could drink and play with the big dog !?!?!!

An hour and a half later I was asking them if we should order another bottle, their bleary, tear-filled, unfocused eyes were suddenly stricken with panic, they was a sudden flurry of activity to attract the waitress and some very very slurry attempts at asking ‘kit loy, kit loy’

They were having to hold each other up as we attempted to negotiate the crowded club. As we get outside, one of them makes a sudden lunge for the large plant pot by the side of the door – lo and behold, re-enter the rice and fish from earlier… one of the others is now sat on the curb holding his head in his hands.

Have not laughed so much in ages !

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