Poor country, rich country; Hollywood or Hollyoaks… Same Same but different...
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Duch Sophea, 20, one of Cambodia’s most popular young actress of movie and karaoke video, is under fire from common people for two events occuring last two weeks. On February 16, she drove her luxury white car, Lexus, persuading hight-school girls at Watt Koh high school, and then she went off her car to slap school girl student. She claimed that the girl always threaten her niece.
A few days later, there was other incident happening to her after she did not stop her car when traffic police flagged her dow to check on February 20, 2006. Later, it took her 4 hours to be questioned at police station at Daun Penh district about allegations that she slapped a fellow high school student and was suspected of refusing to stop for a traffic police officer. She told police that she did not drive car, the car driver was her older sister. Her cases were finished.
Recently, grossip about her is that she has been romatically involved with Senior government official. After the speech of prime minister, he warned government officials not to lavish money on their mistress. If they do, they will be investigated and punished.
Duch Sophea’s comments came one day after Prime minister accused the mistress of a senior government officials. Meanwhile, she also said that there are many people being jealous of her career, so they spreaded false rumors that she have romatice relationship with hight-range official in an attempt to damage her reputation and life.
“I swear to Buddha to be struck by lightning” if the rumors are true, she added. She said Hun Sen may have comfused her with her older sister, Duch Chan Samphors, who she said was guilty of not stoping when flagged down by traffic police. Cambodia Daily reported.
On behaft of her sister, she said, “The problem is solved, it is finished. I apologize to the prime minister. I apologize to the traffic police.” Cambodia Daily reported.
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