Wednesday, January 04, 2006


The last few days the media and other sources, in their own views, have disseminated and interpreted on information regarding the selection of village chief, deputy village chief, and village members.

To ensure that the public are aware of the basic principles of the selection of village chief, deputy village chief, and village members, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior would like to highlight once again that village is not the administrative level stipulated in the 1993 Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Article 30 of the Law on Sangkat-Commune Administration states that in the aim of enhancing the effective Sangkat-Commune administration, council of each Sangkat-Cornmune shall select a village chief for each village within their Sangkat-Comrnune
Village chief shall appoint a deputy village chief and a village members who will be her/his assistants,

Minister of the Ministry of Interior shall issue instruction on procedures to select village chief, assumption of [he position, replacement and the appointment of village chief’s assistants."

Therefore, the Constitution and law do not require direct vote from the people to select village chief, deputy village chief~ and village members.

On 22 December 2005, Excellency and Samdech Deputy Prime Ministers and Co-Minister of Interior convened a meeting which discussed and agreed that instruction of the Ministry of Interior on the selection of village chief, deputy village chief and village members must be based on the basic principles stipulated in the Constitution and law on Sangkat-Commune Administration, especially Article 30, and other relevant documents to implement these laws in order to strengthen local governance in democratic and decentralized processes.

In the same token, Excellency and Sanidech Deputy Prime Ministers, Co-Minister of Interior also have tasked technical staff to draft instruction on the selection of village chief, deputy village chief, and village members, which will be submitted for consideration by the Ministry of Interior in the forthcoming meeting in January 2006.

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