Friday, January 20, 2006

Cambodian Electricity – aka Bloody EdC

Power-cuts at the office are killing productivity; not to mention my motivation.

After half an hour of blackout the Ministry fires up its small generator which provide enough juice for a few PC’s but no lights and defiantly no air-con. At home, I do not even have any candles left!

Monday the 16th
AM No electricity in the office for 4 hours
Eve No electricity at home for 2 hour

Tuesday the 17th
PM No electricity in the office for 5 hours, go home

Wednesday the 18th
AM No electricity in the office for 3 hours
PM No electricity in the office for 2 hours
Eve No electricity at home for 3 hours

Thursday the 19th
AM No electricity in the office for 4 hours
Eve No electricity at home for 3 hours

Friday the 20th
AM No electricity in the office for 4 hours
Then the generator runs out of diesel and the Ministry has no more money to refill it


1 comment:

Frank Partisan said...

We had an electricity blackout here in Minneapolis for 30 minutes, and I panicked.