Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What the What, What?

Lounging in my usual breakfast restaurant this morning on the corner of the street, I sip my iced coffee and peer aimlessly out into the traffic that is Mao Tse Toung Boulevard.

Pottering down the road was a shiny new silver~grey tuk-tuk. One of the all inclusive designs, a purpose built vehicle, similar to a golf buggy, rather than the more usual hybrid you see here of moto and chariot.

Shiny and new it glistened as it made its way past me.

It was around then that I noticed the driver.

A thirty-something white woman, with red hair and a scowl on her face.

My Khmer breakfast companions giggled and pointed, I just ordered another coffee and closed my eyes.

It was true; the world had gone mad over the weekend


Anonymous said...

Great blog! I'm glad I found it. I'll be in Cambodia later this year on holiday. I'm very interested in ancient cultures/architecture, so Cambodia beckons.

Darren Conquest said...
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