Saturday, February 05, 2005

Ahh, addiction, thy name is Walls

Saturday the 5th
Ahh, addiction, thy name is Walls

The evil, satanic, devious and avaricious owners of the luxury western supermarket - “Lucky Market” have hit upon a fiendishly brilliant plan to part me with yet another 10% of my salary every month.

As many of you may know, I do not cope with hot weather all that well, which makes me living in Cambodia somewhat of a challenge, especially as we are now heading towards the hottest part of the year - March, April and May – when the temperatures can hit 44C on a bad day in the city.

So as we race towards to part of the year where your underwear is in danger of melting and fusing at a bimolecular level with your bum, these immoral store owners have chosen to start importing en mass a whole range of Walls luxury ice creams; banoffe cream, black forest , strawberrys and cream, double chocolate chip, et cetera


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