You would not even know that it is almost Christmas here in Happy Buddhist Cambodia…
- No lights (other than the miles of multicoloured fairy lights on every Khmer beer garden)
- No Christmas trees, except the sad looking plastic one just inside the ex-pat supermarket (i.e. slightly enlarged corner shop with grossly inflated prices for tins of baked beans)
- No 24/7 bombardment and besieging of our ears by that git Phil Spectre and his Christmas album
- Oh, no Slade either
- No snow, just the sunny but low 30C of the Khmer winter.
- No houses turned into a mini Disneyland of plastic Santa’s, sponge foam snowmen, or wall mounted reindeer.
However will I survive…
Seasons Whatnots and like Yuletide Thingies
Ho, Ho, Ho
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Season's Greetings
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